Zayum Zaddy: A Steamy Older Man Younger Woman Romance Page 3
Asking Mom was out the question. If I asked her, she would wield her lordship over my choice, and tell me to get something more “practical” according to her standards. Life wasn’t meant to be lived in a Rav-4 or Kia Rio.
My final option would be getting a personal loan. I had very minimal credit activity, but Mom and Parker had shown me to get a card and use it regularly to track expenses while paying it off in full almost every month. It had worked. I had a good credit score; I just didn’t want to think about having that monthly loan over my head.
Depending on how much I blew during semester, I knew it may not be that much of a pinch. Regardless, it was something that would help eliminate this current issue, giving me direct cut to my car.
Yes, that’s what I’ll do. Get a personal loan for $5,000. It’ll cover the costs of the car and a year of insurance, and I’ll just manage the costs through my semester account.
I just knew this plan was going to be perfect.
… And it almost was, except something better came along.
When I got dressed and made my way downstairs, I was shocked to see both Parker and Zane sitting at the kitchen table.
“Good morning,” they both greeted in unison.
I swallowed, thrown off by the both of them at home. Zane was sitting at my kitchen table at - I looked at my phone - 10:30 AM.
“Good morning.” My tone was jovial, but riddled with the unspoken question.
“We’re just going over some business, nothing big at the moment.” Parker explained. He pointed to a bag from Jack in the Box. “I grabbed breakfast if you’re hungry. You get first dibs before your sister wakes up.”
“Thanks.” I didn’t eat fast food too often, but I was starving and on my way out the door. I had an Uber to grab as soon as I was done.
“Ginger, I don’t remember if you told me what you were majoring in?” Zane asked, casually inserting himself into the conversation.
I bit into the sausage and egg breakfast sandwich, a way to distract myself from blurting out anything crazy and retarded. Nodding my head in acknowledgement, I chewed thoughtfully.
“Accounting,” I said. “With a minor in business administration.”
“Really?” Have you ever seen a man’s eyes light up like a child on Christmas? It’s fascinating, especially when it’s a man who’s decidedly laid-back and clandestine about everything.
“Yes,” I nodded. “Finance jobs pay really well. It’s not hard to earn six figures within the first several years.”
“My assistant’s dealing with a family emergency,” he started. “I need someone to take her place while she’s away.” His expression was stone serious.
“Oh no… I’m sorry to hear that, Zane. Is she going to be okay?”
“She should be. I’ve told her that I’ll handle her being out of office for up to a month, with pay, if needed. She’s worth the cost of this inconvenience.”
“I understand.” My heart pounded. I stuffed another bite of the sandwich in my mouth. Bacon and eggs. Mmm. Bacon. Eggs. Eggs. Bacon. Cheese. Focus. Chew. Chew. Chew. Don’t look so excited. Bacon. Bacon. Mmmm. Bacon!
He cleared his throat. “Would you be interested in working in her place? Of course, I’d compensate you.”
I lost myself in my thoughts as I chewed. He stroked his chin, playing with that sexy beard as he awaited my answer.
What? Zane with the Zaddy beard wants to hire me as his personal assistant for the next two weeks? Extra money… and personal attendance to a man the world wants access to.
“Sure, I’d love to help.” I smiled, masking my shock with another one of my award-winning smiles. “When would I start?”
“You okay with that?” I didn’t know what plans she had this morning. I hope she didn’t have anything that couldn’t wait until we got squared away.
“No, I should be fine,” she offered. “I was just going to the bank this morning.”
“The bank?” Parker inquired.
“Yes, I was going to get a loan for the car.” She swallowed uncomfortably, revealing her lack of confidence in the plan.
“A loan?” Parker shook his head. “You know your mother and I wouldn’t approve.”
“I don’t need you guys for a personal loan.” Her eyes sparkled with a hint of defiance, making her look even more badass and sultry. She was clearly a woman who took her own risks.
“You need to focus on school,” Parker countered. “They would probably require a cosigner due to your lack of credit history anyway. You’ve only had credit for 2 years. What happened with your dad?”
“He said he’ll get the money, but he’s in Italy. I’d have to wait another week or two, at minimum.” She placed her sandwich on the counter. “I don’t have two weeks to wait for money on a car that’s ready to be sold to the first person with the cash.”
“How much are you short again?” I interjected.
“$3,500. I was going to get a loan to cover that and the first year’s insurance. I’d use my school savings to pay the loan in monthly installments until holiday break came.”
“I’ll give you $3,500 today after we get started.” That should end the argument. “Then you won’t even need a loan.”
I looked to her, then to my agent. The wheels in their head spun, but I could see Ginger was all in. She licked her lips, savoring the thought, and my cock pulsed. She was probably really good with her tongue.
I shouldn’t be having these thoughts. Not when I just offered to hire her to work under me for the next two weeks.
“But what about the CarFax? Have you even made plans to see the car and have it inspected?” Parker asked. He had all the right questions, but Ginger’s expression revealed it was clearly not the time to ask.
“Parker!” She drawled. “I’m not stupid. The CarFax checks out. There are several buyers interested. I just need to get to Cherry first. I need that car.”
The conviction in her voice was a turn-on. I was used to hearing of spoiled women with demands, and spoiled rich kids. Ginger was neither of these things. She had already worked for one half of the costs, and was getting ready to work for the other half.
Impressive, especially because she could have easily called one of those desperate regulars at her job and seduced him into buying the car. If I were a lesser man, one whimper from her would have me emptying my wallet on demand.
“How about this?” I looked at my watch. “It’s almost 11 AM. Let’s head over to my office. I’ll show you the basics of the role, and what you’ll need to do. If you’re okay with it, we’ll set you up. We can make it a really short day - you know, like an orientation, and then you can go check out the car with Parker. If he approves, great. You already have the money to buy the car.”
“Deal!” She quickly kissed Parker on the forehead. “Bye dad.”
She turned to me, eyes wide with excitement. “You ready?”
Zane’s ride was so smooth. He drove a black Audi, low-key yet sexy, just like him. It was clean, and smelled like crisp leather and mountain air. Distinctive, mysterious, and intoxicating, just like its owner.
Sitting in the passenger side made me feel like a rescued damsel in distress. Zane was my handsome, tall, dark knight in shining armor. Thanks to him, I could get Cherry today.
“Thank you,” I spoke over the radio. “I really appreciate the work experience… and your help getting Cherry.”
“Cherry?” Obvious confusion reverberated in his tone.
Nervous laughter escaped my lips. “I named my new car Cherry. She’s sweet and metallic cherry red.”
His eyes narrowed. He surreptitiously sucked his bottom lip in and chewed as he drove, nodding his head with a small car.
… Was that a groan?
He cleared his throat. “You’re welcome. I know what it’s like to want something, come so close to it, and need that extra
push to accomplish your goal. I admire people who go after what they want in life.”
His voice was so deep and sexy. My pussy pulsed as I listened to him speak. I could take orders from him all day.
Aside of my parents’ home, fifteen minutes away, this was the most beautiful house I’d ever seen. Zane welcomed me into his abode with a full tour of the public areas. I knew where the bathrooms, kitchen, den, living room, and his office were. He also showed me the backyard pool and the gym.
“All the bedrooms are upstairs,” he said. “The couch in the den has a pull-out bed built into it, but the chaise lounge is just as comfy as you need a nap.
“All the bedrooms are upstairs,” he said. “One is Christine’s. She sleeps here whenever she works too late.”
His eyes met mine. “You’re free to spend the night too, if it’s necessary. Just pick one of the free bedrooms. It’s yours.”
I’d rather spend the night in your bed, Zaddy. Those were the thoughts in my head. Yet I smiled and nodded. “Of course. I appreciate that. I think Cherry and I will have that covered.”
He cocked his eyebrow and started laughing.
“What?” I wanted to laugh too.
“You.” He said pointedly. His hands melted into him as he crossed his arms. “You’re a natural flirt.”
“Am not.”
“You winked and pouted your lip at me just a moment ago. You give direct eye contact, and let those pretty brown eyes linger when you’re talking to someone. I feel like a Hooters customer.”
I released an audible gasp, accented with faux shock. Yes, he’d caught me flirting, and I hadn’t even recognized it. The wink and pout was so practiced it had become part of my natural conversation with most men with the exception of Parker.
“My apologies. It’s kind of programmed into me these days.”
“No, it’s okay.” He stepped forward, close enough to nearly press himself against me. I felt my heart beat dial up a notch. I held my breath, gulping as I looked at the Cupid’s bow of his lips, which were full and kissable.
Biting my lip prevented me from moaning in desire. His presence so close to me sent waves of heat emanating from his body. I could smell the crisp, leathery scent of his cologne, something deliberate and clearly custom-designed, expand in every direction and swirl around me.
I’d give anything right now to rip his shirt off and feel his pecs. He was so intense. He was so fucking intense. He was destroying my panties with every moment that passed.
Zane looked down at me. His eyes smoldered as he gazed into my soul. “I love the sassiness. It’ll add to the dry routine around here.”
I held my breath, an attempt to catch myself from losing control and breaking from the spell he attempted to put me under.
“But I’ll warn you…” His vocal bass deepened. His right arm, thick and muscled, leaned against the doorway.
He steadied himself as he lowered himself just enough for his lips to nearly graze against my ear and growled. “I’m nothing like those guys you get at Hooters.”
Of course he wasn’t. He was Zane Hendrix, retired star quarterback, and my dad’s best friend. He was an esteemed friend of the family, safe, and off limits.
Until now. Until he spoke the words that made me lose every ounce of dryness left in my tiny pink panties.
“I love a good tease… But I give as good as I get, babygirl. I’ll tease you so good I’ll have you begging to cum for me.”
My cock pulsed, stiff against my pants. She’d already taken over my fantasies as of last night and this morning. I couldn’t spend five minutes in her presence without having to imagine baby seals or other warm and fuzzy things to prevent myself from nearly cumming in my pants.
She was a tease. She knew she was a tease. And by the look in her eyes when I called her out, she knew what she was doing when she was putting out all the stops to tease me.
Silence owned the moment. I looked her in her eyes and inhaled her flirty fragrance, Jimmy Choo Illicit mixed with a natural oil of some sort. The pupils of her chocolate brown eyes had dilated, making her look like a sexy deer in headlights.
I drunk her in slowly, and obviously. Ran my vision over every length of her features, realizing the tangible benefit of each. Shapely drumstick legs to bite into. Tiny waist to hold on to while I kissed her neck from behind. Juicy, mouthwatering breasts, I swear with the world’s prettiest nipples, that tasted like sugar and spice when I sucked on them.
“Zaaaaaayum Zaddy.” Her voice was strong, tone normal, but you could hear the faintest hint of shakiness. She wasn’t used to a man rattling her nerves up close and personal like I’d just done. “So it’s like that? Is that the game we’re gonna play?”
“Nobody said anything about games, sweetheart. But you know me. I live for the game. I play to win. I don’t stop until I win.”
Her eyes momentarily widened in shock. She didn’t know this side of me existed. I gauged her, looking for signs of discomfort. She was my agent’s daughter; I’d have to apologize and pull back if I was going too far.
… If I was going too far? If? Hell, I am going too far. Farther than I’ve ever felt myself go in a long time. But chemistry owned our conversation.
Another moment of silence. I stepped back, twice. Shit. I’d gone too far. I had to pull back and be the responsible one here, especially with so much in the balance.
“Look.” I sighed, running my hand over my hair. “Ginger, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. You’re gorgeous woman and all, but I -”
“Game on.”
Her expression was as sexy as it was serious. She had an equally competitive streak about her.
Maybe there’s no such thing as too far when both of us clearly play to win.
After our little showdown, I knew it was game on. I wanted to tease Zane to the highest of heights, and keep him on the edge.
It would make for a fun little experience, especially when I was in the middle of the grind at school. There’d be no time for boys, but in the moments I’d be able to steal for myself, a sexy memory or two would suffice for my sexual fantasies.
Despite the green light for hot and heavy flirtation between the two of us, I needed to perform my job and get paid. $3,500 was on the line, as was Cherry.
Clearing my throat, I pulled us back into focus. “May I see the office?” His eyes lifted from their dark lust enough to show he’d registered the message.
My work office was near the kitchen, just past the entry foyer. There was a large dark brown table, its backdrop a wall to wall bookshelf. Two chairs were in front of the desk, presumably for meetings. A sofa and chaise lounge completed the look.
“This is beautiful,” I mused. The huge windows allowed plenty of natural light and provided a view of the pristine landscaping.
Over the next half hour, Zane walked me through his assistant’s daily tasks: reconciling expenses through QuickBooks, managing his appointments, and filtering his communications. I would also manage his calendar, ensuring he wasn’t overbooked.
“Anything else that pops up, I trust you to handle yourself. But you’ll find contact numbers and information in Christina’s emergency binder.”
Zane motioned towards a black leather folio next to the computer. Inside were a list of general daily tasks to complete, as well as private contacts to coordinate with in case of confusion.
I appreciated her organizational skills and ambition. They’d help me really own this job over the next two weeks.
My first day of work went pretty well. Christina called to introduce herself. She was friendly, letting me know that she’d be able to help me if needed.
She sounded like a nice girl. Her voice was clear and pretty, but I hadn’t seen any photos of her. That triggered my worries. Was she beautiful? Was Zane attracted to her? I know she had to be attracted to him. What woman wasn’t?
She had to be pret
ty. Ugh. No.
Slick pangs of jealousy slid down into my stomach and gripped my insides. God, I hoped she was average, at best.
I didn’t want Zane even thinking about another woman. I wanted him to myself. Totally to myself. At least until I made him beg for mercy.
One taste of me, and he’d never want to leave.
Ginger had taken to office work like a fish to water. She had an effortless flair for business, and aside of flirtatious winks and glances, she kept things totally professional.
I walked her through tasks thoroughly, because I took my affairs seriously.
But, I have to admit, it took everything in me not to ravish her after that moment we had this morning. I was 38 years old, ripped, and in shape. But a girl like Ginger was 19 and in her prime. Her mother was just as stunning, so I knew she’d age gracefully.
Flirting with her was fun, but I had to be careful. I had a tendency to push myself in the spirit of competition, but Parker and I went way back. I didn’t want to create any awkwardness between us on the account of me going too far with Ginger.
But goddamn that girl was beautiful - and she knew it. It was all in her eyes, the careful way she balanced sexual intensity with a casual flair. She knew one artfully placed wink would put you under her spell, yet she didn’t need to act on her power just to prove it.
When she was done with work, I offered to take her home. I opened the passenger door for her.
“That’s okay. I’m going to take an Uber to look at the car, if you don’t mind.” She patted her purse, $3,500 richer from the check I’d cut her. “If Cherry looks right, I’ll be able to get her tomorrow.”
I gestured for her to get in. “No worries. What’s the address?”