Bossy Christmas Party 2: A steamy CEO older man romance Page 5
“Let me go, Lance,” I snarl. He’s holding me fast and in about one second I’m going to make a scene.
“Lance, who’s Lance?” He shouts jovially, “Ho, ho, ho.”
“I’ll ho ho you right in the balls if you don’t take your hands off me right now,” I snap at him again with a no-I’m-not-playing-and-this-is-not-my-flirty tone.
He looks at me, searching my eyes behind the mask for whether I’m serious, whether I’m going to make a New Year enemy out of the head of HR.
“You heard the lady,” a smooth voice behind me opines, adding with heavy sarcasm, “Lance.”
“Oh, yes sir,” Lance croaks and his hands fly back as though he’s been scalded by my body. “Sorry sir,” he adds, acting all contrite like nothing really happened.
“We’ll take this up in my office first thing,” my boss tells him.
His sexily chiseled jaw is rigid with fury and his arms are bowing like he’s shaping up for a fight. He picks me up off Lance’s knee like I weigh nothing and before I have a chance to make the shift myself, so stunned am I by how gorgeous he looks, dressed like a prince.
He sets me down like I’m his Russian doll and puts a hand on my lower back to guide me out of Santa’s grotto.
No one fucking touches her.
Seeing her sitting there on that asshole’s lap, his hand on her naked back, sent killer instincts flying through every cell. Never in my life have I been this possessive over a woman. Or this possessed. But Aura is not like other women. She’s young but she’s completely self-possessed and thoughtful, not to mention the sexiest thing I’ve ever laid eyes on.
No one fucking touches her.
Aura and I may have our differences with regard to equality and how the battle of the sexes plays out in the digital world, but I will not allow one instance of men taking advantage in the office. Especially the ones that do so because they think they wield power. And especially not over Aura.
She belongs to me.
Or she will soon.
There’s something about Aura that hits me in my core, makes my skin tighten around the muscle. I need more of her. I won’t ever get enough of her.
Aura looks up at me and I expect to see rage in her eyes. Maybe she equates the game Lance just played with her with the one she and I indulged in less than an hour ago. In my mind she and I were completely equal partners in that game even though I was the dominant one. But I don’t know whether Aura feels the same because of the way she ran out of my office so fast the first chance she got.
“Thank you,” she mouths.
“Don’t,” I say. “I should be apologizing that you were subjected to that shit on my watch.”
“You get used to it,” she says, sadly resigned.
“Well don’t,” I order her again, more ferociously this time to get it into her head. That and the fact that all I want is to yank her into my arms and feel that luscious body pressing into mine. “You of all people should be fighting against this, because I certainly am and always will.”
“I know but sometimes it feels like just another wall to try crashing through when there are a hundred million troops of men all shielding each other and the barrier.”
I’ve never seen her this dejected and the thought that it’s somehow my fault spears through me. Maybe she took her spanking in entirely the wrong way. I feel completely bonded to her, as though that was the first in a long line of many games we’ll play that only cement the chemistry bubbling between us. Somehow she looks defeated and that wasn’t my intended outcome.
“It always starts with one,” I tell her, lifting a pair of cocktails from a passing tray and handing her a glass. “One idea, one ideal, one fighter standing their ground.”
“You make it sound easy,” she says, sipping the bright blue liquid.
“Not easy, but that’s why we’re here. To do what we can to make it a tiny bit better for each other. One step at at time.”
I touch the edge of my glass lightly to hers and she looks up at me with those eyes that make me melt faster than the ice in this alcoholic snocone. They’re wide and questioning and the fire of lust wrenches at my core again. I don’t care that we’re standing in the middle of the room surrounded by my employees, the urge to kiss her mouth is almost unbearable.
“What?” I rasp, trying to swallow down the hunger for her, the need to see her come undone under my touch. Her quizzical stare makes me uncomfortable.
“Did that really happen back there?” She whispers, looking around with a start as some jackass lurches too close, trying to ice skate on the fake snow.
I put my hand on her hip and she startles harder, as though my touch seared through her. I clasp her arm and press her behind a bunch of fake stalactites then push her into the hollow created by the grouping. With me up close, she’s blocked in and hidden from the rest of the party animals.
My hand slides around her back to scoop her up toward me as my mouth covers hers. Powerfully, forcefully but with a tender edge, I let her know that it really happened. It was no mistake and if she wants it as much as I do, it’s going to continue.
My hand is an iron clamp, huge on her back. She feels so small under my palm, as though I could break her. Which makes me want to take care of her more. She’s a feisty one and I get the feeling that causes her a lot of trouble, being so vocal with her opinions and being so steaming hot at the same time.
Feeling the initial resistance of her lips start to surrender as the swelling emotion of my kiss moves through her, I intensify the mouth fuck. My tongue plunges into her as firm and insistent as if I had her spread naked under me. She squirms a little and I slide my hand up her back until I find the bare skin in the plunging dress. Then she trembles under my touch so that I’m certain a rash of goosebumps rises all over her.
Her hands come up to cup my head and pull me into her deeper, harder. I ravish her with my tongue, flexing the pliable muscle around her mouth and plunging deep into her so she knows that very soon it’s going to be my cock she’s feeling.
I only break the kiss because we’re suctioned so hard to each other, we’re suffering oxygen deprivation. Aura releases my head but her hands slide down over my shoulders to grip my biceps as though she can’t fully release me. I know that feeling. I hold her firmly in my grip as well while she stares at me wild-eyed, panting hard.
“What’s going on?” She gasps out.
“This is,” I say simply. “Whatever’s sparked between us won’t be tamped down any more.”
“But you’re, my -“
“Best friend?” I say with a grin.
“No,” she croaks. “You’re my boss.”
“No one gives a shit about that Aura.”
“Don’t they? I’m sure every one of my colleagues would post plenty of smart tweets if they knew I was making out with the head of the company.”
“Making out? We aren’t kids, babe.”
“It kinda feels like we’re acting that way.”
At that moment one of the tech guys comes down the ski slope out, hollering “Merry Christmas and to all a good night” then wipes out into the snowbank I told Tania to construct for the purpose.
Aura and I turn back to face each other and laugh. Then the humor drops from her lovely features leaving only the pure lust ravaging at her insides visible. I can’t lead her through the crowded party to find somewhere I can rip her dress off and finally possess her. And I can’t fuck her here behind the fake ice where anyone might discover us. But I can make sure she knows she’s mine while she enjoys the party I created only for her. I reach up and snap the tip off one of the real pointed stalactites sitting along the top of the fake ones in the scene. A small point of ice perfect for the purpose.
As she watches me, intrigued, I slip the ice into my mouth and draw it out slowly from my lips. She puckers up instinctively, thinking I’m going to put it in her mouth as a talisman. But I pull the slit of her dress to one side and gr
aze my knuckles up her inner thigh, holding her gaze as it grows wider. I connect to her swollen apex, burning hot under the damp panties. My fingertips hook into the lace edge and yank it to one side. Then my other hand swiftly inserts the ice cube into her pussy.
She gasps loud and her fingers dig into my muscle as the cold shocks through her heat. Jesus fuck, she is hot inside. And so wet. It takes all my self control to remove my hand from her panties and not stroke circles around her hard dripping clit, watching her come apart while the ice melts inside her heat.
I almost come completely undone when my boss slips his fingers inside my panties. It seems so taboo to be doing this with the noise from the party just a few feet away on the other side of a fake ice structure. We’re barely hidden from my co-workers but I don’t give a damn. The tremors in every limb turn into white sparks like lightning when the cold ice hits my entrance.
But oh my freaking god, Milo’s hard forceful fingers grazing at my pussy as he pushes the freezing shard inside me almost blow the top of my head off.
I moan and grasp his impressive biceps. I never noticed before how ripped his arms are and I’d love to get a look at him uncovered. It’s disgusting, I’m decadent, acting like this in public but it’s so delicious I can’t stop. I don’t want to stop. I even thrust my pelvis forward without realizing it, trying to swallow his fingers.
No one has ever touched my body the way Milo does. I doubt I would ever have allowed it with any of the guys I’ve dated before. But with Milo it seems so right. My boss is not like the men I’ve known up until now. Maybe because he’s more experienced and knows his way around a woman. Can a decade of age difference mean so much?
“Please,” I moan.
“You don’t have to beg me, Aura. I’m one hundred per cent yours. That’s just something to remember me by until later,” Milo husks as he watches me tremble. “I knew I was going to fuck you before the year was out. And that you’d belong to me.”
“Belong?” I whimper.
I ought to tell him I’d never belong to a man but I don’t. Because being possessed by Milo sounds like the most amazing thing. Him saying he’s all mine sends even more intense shivers through me. Can he mean that? Could he really be serious about us? All I know is I want his fingers stroking me, trailing across my agonized slit and releasing the intolerable build up there.
“Yes, belong,” he says in a husky low tone. “You’re mine now. I can’t wait to taste you.”
I have to hold myself back from begging him to touch me again, to taste me with his tongue right now.
The want pressing at my center is painful. I need him so much I’d happily drop to my knees, giving the jellied joints a break, and free his cock from his pants. The way he slipped the ice between his lips, letting me know that really he wanted to be sucking my clit was the most arousing thing ever and I’m eager to return the fantasy. I need to taste him.
I murmur it out loud this time and my boss throws me a satisfied grin.
“Soon,” he rasps.
His eyes flick to the side and he points up behind my head, his voice completely changed.
“Did you notice that those icicles up there are actually real?” He says, all business, like he’s giving me a tour of the set.
“What?” I mutter, confused. Of course I noticed, one of those icicles is invigorating every nerve in my pussy.
Let’s get back to him telling me what he’s going to do to me later.
“Didn’t you like that little touch to my winter wonderland?”
I leap back against the hollow structure. I wasn’t expecting anyone to pop up beside us, least of all the Elite Bitch herself.
“Ice,” she says to Milo, her eyes flashing out meaning.
Has he played his ice shard, cube, game with her?
A rumble of jealousy rolls up me. I can’t believe he would. She’s not at all his type. Although I don’t have any reason to think that, seeing as I’ve never seen him with an actual type. I get the idea he doesn’t like to restrict himself.
“I’m glad I found you,” she says. “I wondered what you thought about announcing the baby when you give your end of year speech.”
What baby?
“I’m not giving a fucking speech,” Milo growls at her in a feral tone, his eyes flashing danger signals.
Yeah, but what baby?
“Oh but you must,” she insists and even I start to shiver at how furious Milo appears. “And the staff will be delighted to hear you’re going to be a family man in the new year.”
Milo’s face turns to dead cold rage.
What the fuck is happening?
Milo grabs Tania’s arm and pulls her out from behind the ice cave we’d secreted ourselves, leaving me alone. I inhale a deep breath and step out myself, wondering what the hell I’m going to see. But they’ve vanished, so far as I can tell. The blue light in the room is so low, to give that snowy effect, I can’t exactly make out faces.
And then it occurs to me. It falls into place like a ton of crashing bricks. They were arguing in the hallway not long ago. That was the first time I’d ever seen my boss look so irate and then this. There’s only one way to spin it and that’s Milo slept with Tania and got her pregnant. I feel nauseous and worse, my eyes are prickly wth tears threatening. I tear off the stupid mask so violently it comes off now and then a pair of hands grabs me from behind.
Furious and humiliated I whirl around and slap his face harder than I’ve ever slapped a man before.
“Ouwww,” he lets out a yell. “What was that for? You think I wanted to be stuck on BART for two hours?”
“Tai, my god, I’m sorry,” I clasp his hands and beg forgiveness over and over. “I thought you were someone else.”
“Only the strongest cocktail available is going to ease my pain,” he pouts.
“Coming up.”
A pixie happens to be circling with a tray and I dash over and grab two of the huge snowballs in a glass.
“What the fuck is this?” Tai asks when I hand it to him.
“It’s a frozen spicy pear margarita,” I tell him, then add; “And it’s as strong as - “
Too late. He’s downed a huge swig and I can tell he’s having a brain freeze, tequila snort combo. I grab a pair of giant shrimp wrapped in bacon as they pass and shove one into his mouth. He registers something like ecstasy.
“Man, that’s good. You get to go to the best office parties, not like my week-old Mac and cheese potluck. Just look at this place - it’s incredible.”
“Yeah, I guess so.” I’m not feeling very charitable to the person who dreamt up the decor - either of them. “But my boss is a douchebag,” I say.
“Maybe but he has steel abs that would set off an airport metal screening.”
“What do you know about his abs?” I snap.
“He ran into me as I arrived,” Tai says, looking around - for more shrimp I hope, not my boss. “In a big hurry to escort some hot chick off the premises, to his man cave I’d say. But not before I copped a smooth-down over his shieldlike torso. Hey, did you see the photo booth?” Tai says, grabbing my hand and dragging me through the crowd. “It looks like we’re in the mountains at Santa’s workshop. Come on let’s get our picture. You look hot by the way.”
“Thanks.” I mutter, allowing Tai to lead me into Santa’s fairy grotto piled high with gifts everywhere.
There’s a professional photographer dressed up more like a ski instructor than Santa’s helper but once he’s positioned us and gone back to his camera, I can’t help but ask.
“You really thought she was hot?”
“Who?” Tai says from the corner of his mouth, gurning hugely for the camera. “Smile,” he nudges me.
“Tania?” I hiss back. “The chick with my boss.”
Tai swivels his gaze to face me and I know immediately that I’m busted.
wait,” the photographer shouts as Tai drags me from the grotto. “The lady is grimacing in every shot and you forgot your gifts.”
“Thanks Dude,” Tai says taking the two small boxes and saying maybe we’d be back when he’d loosened me up.
He hauls me straight to the bar, sets down the exquisitely wrapped silver gifts with huge silver bows and orders two of the silvery drinks the bartender’s serving. Then he turns to face me.
“Okay you. Spill. Right now.”
The blood is pummeling at my veins, stretching them fit to bursting. I’m still in a lust-filled stupor over the dripping wet nectar coating the very ends of my fingers but my rage at Tania is fast overwhelming that.
What the fuck is she playing at with this baby crap all of a sudden? One quick fuck in the back of my Range Rover and she thinks we’re getting married? There’s no possible way she could be pregnant. And she’s definitely not cashing in because that’s clearly what this is.
She’s tripping along on her massive heels, giggling as though I’m dragging her back to my cave. She squeals and squeaks all the way, trying to attract attention from my employees who are fortunately all way too hammered now to care who’s getting off with whom. A bunch of new arrivals are trying to get through the door as I pull Tania out. The girls from the typing pool and one dude. Have I hired a male typist? Aura would love me for that.
I yank Tania into my office, thankfully the one relaxed space not decorated for this nightmare office party, kicking the door shut behind us. I drop her arm and head straight to my desk, unlocking the drawer containing my checkbook. I have to search for a pen as I’m unaccustomed to writing a check now, or even using a pen now that I have the Virtual. All my transactions are taken care of online but I’m doing this for the finality of it, to feel like I’m signing off on this - on her.
I look up and see Tania is leaning back against the door trying to rock a sexy kitten face with pouty lips and hooded eyes that only repulses me. She slides her hand up over her very full tit and starts to pull down the strap to her dress.