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Bossy Billionaire: A Steamy Older Man Romance Page 4
Bossy Billionaire: A Steamy Older Man Romance Read online
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“Oh,” she snaps, her smile instantly sliding off her face like butter on a griddle. This one could turn vicious with very little provocation.
“Some other time maybe.”
She offers the opener for me to get her number.
“You never know.” Is all she's getting.
My eyes have been fixed across her shoulder the entire time to where Jolie is talking to a short bald man, no doubt trying to strike a deal from the way he's waving his hands around. She's doing her best to focus on his requests but her eyes keep darting back to me and the woman in white. It warms me right down to my throbbing dick to see her little scrape of envy at the fact another woman wants me in her clutches. I'd like to reassure her that there's not a woman in the world that could tempt me right now. Until I do, I'll relish the knowledge that Jolie's definitely on the hook.
It's cold outside but the chill is a relief. I've been burning up since the moment I saw Jolie in the street so I'm glad for the cold pressing at the blistering pores of my skin. Finally she emerges with the other girl, her colleague. But then, the friend is called back by Cedric, still inside the gallery. So she says good night to Jolie and relocks the door, then pulls down the blinds.
I step out from where I'm loitering on the sidewalk and Jolie's eyes fly up to me with a jolt.
“I thought I told you to stop doing that,” she snaps. Then jams her hands down in her pockets and heads down the street, leaving me to saunter along behind her. I don't generally tag along behind but I'm on a leash with this one.
“This isn't the safest neighborhood. I only want to see you to your car,” I tell her.
“You mean the one you smashed into?”
“Yeah that one, if you insist.”
“I'm right here in the lot,” she snaps, clearly worked up for some reason.
She hands the valet her ticket and he disappears into the building to locate her vehicle.
“As you can see, I'm perfectly safe. You can go now.”
What a mouth she has. The things I'd like to do to that mouth, starting right now. She refuses to meet my eye, maintaining her position of being half turned away from me that she's had all night. Just in case I decide to devour her again.
“Seriously, I mean it. Please just take-”
In an instant my hand clasps her arm to whirl her around to me, I cup her face in both my hands and cover her mouth with mine. She parts her lips to protest and my tongue connects with hers, curling and lapping around her in a dance of wills that she can never hope to win.
Her struggle is much less prolonged this time. She gives in and her hands fist my jacket as she allows me to fuck her mouth again, claiming her with my tongue, letting her know I'm just as ravenous for her pussy. That I want to flip her around and bend her over the car parked beside us, yank up her skirt and pound into her harder than she can even imagine. She belongs to me. Until the jockey returns with a loud clearing of his throat.
Chapter NINE
“Are you freaking kidding me?” I slap at Brand's chest like a little girl, causing myself more pain than I deliver when my fingers rebound on his solid wall of muscle.
“Er, is everything good here,” the car jockey asks, looking back and forth between us wondering if he's going to have to step up and defend me.
“We're fine,” Brand tells him, then with a filthy fucking grin, he adds, “Lover's quarrel.”
The guy slouches back in relief then hits me with the bad news.
“Your car won't start, Miss.”
“What? Shit.”
“It appears to have been in a collision recently.”
I throw a glare at the billionaire asshat still lounging beside me with his hands in his pockets like he's at the track.
“This afternoon,” I grit out.
“Yeah. That must have done something to the engine, popped out a wire or something. I took a look but it's gonna require a mechanic.”
“Oh no,” I groan, louder than I meant to.
I really don't have the money for this and my brother's gonna kill me. At least I can find the way to get it fixed before he gets back. Maybe I'll beg a loan from my parents.
“Call one for us, please,” Brand interjects.
“No,” I blurt out, receiving a questioning stare from both men in return. “I mean, they don't work in the middle of the night, right.”
“Only at a price,” the car jockey agrees.
“It doesn't matter what it costs,” Brand says in his entitled tone that gets my blood boiling.
“You know, I really don't need your help here,” I say.
He already feels he has the right to kiss me whenever he feels like it. Allowing him to assist me with getting my car fixed is only gonna give him more fuel to do what the hell he wants with my body. Oh crap, why does that thought make my pussy grip and ache with need? Well it's not happening.
“I'll get someone in the morning,” I inform the guy.
“That's cool,” he says. “I'm gonna need another day ticket though now.”
“What? Is it midnight already?”
“Five after. Grace period’s over.”
“Noooo,” I let out a long wail of horror.
“That's okay.”
Brand pulls out his wallet from his inside pocket. Giving me a flash of his rack of ab muscle flexing under the fine, smooth white cotton of his shirt. My clit really starts to throb and my panties are once again drenched after the tongue fuck he just gave me. But the surge of irritation returns as he tosses a pair of Benjamins at the guy like they're a couple of fivers.
“That should take car of the parking and the mechanic. Have a service come and hammer out the dent too.” He tosses another few bills at the guy. “And keep the rest for yourself.”
“Thank you, Sir.”
The car jock is fit to lie down and roll over seeing the wad of big bills in Brand Everly's billfold. I ought to be grateful to him for bailing me out but I know his generosity comes with a price. And now I'm going to have to spill for a cab all the way uptown. Fury and frustration spill from my lips.
“I don't need you to do that,” I snap.
“Just say thank you nicely,” Brand commands with a whisper against my ear as he takes me by the arm to lead me away from the grinning parking guy so goosebumps rise all up my arms.
“I don't need to thank you. The insurance company is going to make you pay for the accident anyway. It was your fault.”
I say that but I'm starting to doubt my previous certainty. As the accident has played out in my head throughout the night, I seem to recall being startled and veering away from the bus too hard. Then in a rise of frustration at the world, blaming it all on the smug cocky rich guy in the supercar.
“In that case you won't mind me picking up the tab a little early,” he says with matter of fact finality.
“Do you ever take no for an answer?” I snap.
“I can't remember it if I ever did,” he says with a grin of such self confidence I want to throttle him.
“You really are -”
“- quite delicious if you give me a chance.”
“Not gonna happen.”
“There you go with those negatives again. What about a nightcap before I drive you back to Starry Hollow.”
“Starry Creek,” I correct him. “And I don’t live there. I was just visiting my brother.”
“Even better, Starry. That gives us more time to get acquainted.”
“We've gotten to know each other more than I ever intended. I definitely don't intend to come up to your place.”
“I wasn’t inviting you to my apartment,” he says with what I'm sure was a shudder. “I never allow women into my personal space.”
He's walked me down the street, without me realizing he had his hand in the small of my back to lead me along beside him. Now he turns into a stairwell and brings me through the opening in the fence to press me down the steps. I'm still so shocked by his admittance that he never takes
a woman home, before I can refuse, or even realize that I'm complying, I climb down the steeps stairs to a basement door.
A grill opening in the door slides back and Brand gives some kind of code word that unlocks the entrance. I roll my eyes at him but he again palms the small of my back to press me inside. Every time his heavy hand lands there, just above my ass crack, shivers ripple through me.
A girl in a tiny old fashioned cigarette girl outfit appears and leads us through the smoky environment – yeah, literally smoky, to a tiny table in the corner. A jazz band plays on the tiny stage up front. The sax player a huge guy, too large for this cramped room, already heaving with people at tables so tight I have to squeeze into my chair. Brand is holding it for me and I have no choice but to press my body against this solid chest to writhe myself into the space and sit.
A bottle and two tumblers is immediately slammed down on the table as Brand lifts his tremendous thigh over the chair back and squats down onto it like he's mounted a horse. Even in an expensive suit, Brand looks totally cool in this underground hipster joint. I'm trying my damnedest to by outraged as how he dragged me in off the street without my consent on top of stealing kisses.
The most intense and ravaging kisses of my life. The second just as mind-blowing as the first. The dampness between my thighs is still very apparent and my clit hasn’t stopped throbbing once since he appeared on the street to walk me home.
“What is this, hooch?” I say, laughing despite myself.
“The finest moonshine,” he says, tipping out two shots and holding out his jar to clink mine.
His eyes are burrowing into me so hard I feel like he's inside me again. All the way inside at both mouths, filling me, claiming me. I can see the lust in his part hooded stare, his desire for me. He didn’t need to go to this trouble to fight for me. It was pretty obvious more than one woman wanted him tonight. I couldn’t help but notice the blatant chasing he got from the specter in the white sheet.
She'd for sure be moaning beneath him right now, if he'd wanted that. So perhaps he's after more than a quickie. I touch glasses with him and he throws back his shot without choking. Can't be too bad. Except when I follow suit my throat blazes with pure flame and I splutter. That is until Brand cups a hand around my head and hooks me in to take my mouth in his.
Chapter TEN
I could take Jolie in my mouth all night and forever. She tastes like the most luscious fruit, beneath the sharp tang of the 'shine, that is. Her lips are plump but firm and her mouth opens to take me in, like she's ready to give herself up to me.
She inhales a sharp breath when I eventually tear my mouth off hers, very reluctantly. Her breathing comes ragged and she clasps my hand, resting on the table, in both hers. Her eyes search mine, questioning, asking for something.
“What, Babe?” I say, rubbing my thumb across the top of her hand to comfort her. “What do you need?”
That seems to jolt her out of her reverie and she takes her hands off me to clasp them around her glass. I refill her and she knocks it back.
“Take it slow there, Champ,” I warn her. “That stuff is stronger than it looks.”
“What is this place? I haven’t seen people smoking in public, since – ever.”
“Yeah. It's a modern speakeasy. Anything goes. Sometimes it's jazz, sometimes burlesque, sometimes some huge star comes down to perform underground. Like Sting or Gaga.”
“Only known to the select few, I assume. I'm surprised Cedric isn't here.”
I shrug. I'm not one to boast and massage my own ego. I leave that to douches like her boss.
“He's busy elsewhere tonight.”
“A private party?”
“Yes, with your colleague.”
“No. You think they're having a fling.”
I shrug again. Gossip doesn’t interest me much either. I just want Jolie to be aware of what she's up against. Be on her guard when I'm not around.
She downs another quick shot of the liquor and I give the sign to the waitress to bring me some champagne. I don't want Jolie suffering one mother of a hangover tomorrow. And I don’t want her drunk. I'm enjoying having her here, talking and yeah – I lean in and take her mouth again. This time not breaking my deep exploration of every part of her luscious mouth until the arrival of the fizz.
“Wow,” she mutters, again gasping at her breath. The waitress smiles her approval. Jolie reaches for her personal Moet and takes a sip from the gold sucker.
“God, that's good. No wonder anyone who can afford it drinks this all the time.”
She reaches up to me, pulling my face to hers with both hands, taking my lips into her mouth. I rest my hand on her thigh under the table and leave it there when she's done with me.
“I could kiss you all night long,” I tell her. “I'd never get tired of being in your mouth.”
She gulps down a swallow so I'm again made aware of how she's trying to control something inside herself. Her cheeks pinken a little and it occurs to me she's thinking of taking my dick between her lips. Yeah, that would be fucking amazing, filling that tart mouth right back into her throat. Does she still want to push me away? Even though we're having a great time together, relaxed, laughing, kissing?
The things I want to do to this woman. The urge to pull the fabric of her skirt up her leg and slide my fingers into the heat I can feel coming off her pussy is almost unbearable. Being this close to her sweet center is intoxicating. A drug I can't get enough of. But I'm not gonna spook her. And I want more from this woman than one night of exquisite fucking. She's got to understand the man she's dealing with before I make the next move.
“So Starry, how long have you been living in the city?” I ask, deciding I want to get to know her.
Everything about her. Her life, her needs, her desires. Then I'm going to pleasure every single one of them until she screams my name in an entirely different tone than she used when we first met. When I've given her all of me, she won't ever let me go.
“This is my first job, with Cedric. I graduated the art history program at Rhode Island last year.”
“Impressive. Oh Christ, that makes you, what, twenty one?”
“twenty two. How old does that make you?”
“Thirty seven.”
“Ancient.” She dismisses the difference in our ages with one ironic word.
“You get more amazing with every passing moment,” I tell her. And it isn't a line. She gives me a wry grin like she doesn't quite believe me.
“True. You're not only loaded with sass and feist, you're smart and fun to be with, when you aren't accusing me of heinous acts of immoral behavior.”
She laughs a genuine throaty husk and shifts slightly in her chair. My hand slides a little up her firm thigh, so close to her overheated pussy I can taste it. And fuck do I want to. Her eyes hold mine clasped and her breathing quickens rapidly. Her lips part and she gives me an almost imperceptible nod of her head.
I lean in and take her mouth again and rotate my wrist so I grip her thigh in the scoop of my thumb while the pad presses her hard little clit through the drenched fabric of her panties. She moans into my mouth and thrusts against my thumb, urging me deeper and harder.
My dicks surges up in my pants. Any minute I'm going to be tearing her clothes off and bending her over the small table in this dark underground dive. I need to spread her open and see her wet little pussy pulsating with need for me. When I release her again, we're both panting for breath. I remove my thumb from her soaked slit and run my thumb along her parted lower lip. She pokes out her tongue tip to lap her juice off. Then I take her hand in both mine while we catch what little oxygen is available in the tight room.
“So now you know all of me,” she quips through sharp little pants.
“Only the very tip,” I say with a secret grin. “There's so much more to discover, deeper inside. I want the very deepest part of you.”
Hr hand shakes a little and I check my watch and see it's almos
t 6am.
“Let's get out of here. We've been here all night.”
“Ohmigod, I have to go to work in the morning. How come I'm not even tired?”
“Could it be you're enjoying yourself?”
I manage to extricate myself from the cramped space and lead her to the exit, cutting a path between the rammed together tables.
Out on the street, the dawn threatens and she looks at me wide-eyed, soft and kitteny at last.
“Do your nightcaps always last 'til morning?”
“Only the best ones. Come, I want you to see something.”
I flag down a passing cab with his light off. He stops long enough to tell me he's off duty.
“I'll give you a hundred to drop us at the Seaport.”
“Can't say no to that.”
I open the door and put Jolie inside.
“I have to go home and get some sleep,” she wails none too convincingly. I'm certain she doesn’t want this night to end any more than I do.
“I'll let you go soon, Babe.”
We soon exit the taxi and I lead her by the hand down to the pier. There I hand her onto my cruiser and climb up to the cabin, find the key and start the engine.
“Where are we going?” She laughs as she joins me on the bridge.
“To watch the sunrise of course.”
“You're crazy,” she says, but her smile tells me she's okay with my insanity so far.
Chapter ELEVEN
I have no clue what is happening here but I can't walk away. My heart is constantly leaping about, doing a happy dance every time he kisses me, every time I look at his stunning face. The stubble has grown in during the night and I can't keep my fingers off him, trailing along the line of his carved jaw until he nips and kisses the tips. My pussy is in a constant state of soaking and twitching, so eager for him to push his way inside.
This is completely insane and I've told him as much but we're swept along like the tide running up the East River.
“It's so beautiful,” I cry out above the purr of the boat's huge engine and the breeze blowing alongside.