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Wants & Needs (Love at First Sight Book 4) Page 5

  “It’s not going inside you—at least not tonight. The pleasure of popping your cherry will be all mine, princess.”

  Oh. My God. Considering I was unable to even think enough to formulate a coherent response, I did exactly as he asked and slid my legs beneath my comforter. As I settled back against my pillows and pressed the phone against my ear, I realized I was shaking with nerves.

  “Owen, I don’t... I don’t think I can do this,” I whispered.

  “You’ve never touched yourself before?”

  “Not on the phone with someone!”

  “Don’t worry, we’re not staying on the phone. I won’t be able to see you for the next week, so I want you to take the vibrator and rub it against your clit until you come every single night. Can you do that for me?”

  “I-I guess, but why?”

  “This lesson is all about your body. We’ll complete it next weekend. What do you say?”

  I was nodding to myself, even though I still wasn’t quite sure I understood what the lesson actually was. I supposed that was the point, though.

  “I’ll do it.”

  “That’s my girl,” he said and I could hear the smile in it. His voice lowered several notches as he heatedly said, “Now get yourself off and get some sleep. Imagine it’s my head buried between those legs—my tongue licking you until you shake.”

  “Owen,” I breathed before I could stop myself. My hand gripped the toy tightly and I had to fight the urge to turn it on right then and do as he commanded.

  “I can’t tell you what it does to me when you say my name like that,” he groaned. “I need to go before I forget my own lesson. Goodnight, princess.”

  “Goodnight, Owen.”

  The call ended and I placed my phone on the bed beside me, my other hand still clutching the vibrator with shaky fingers. I swallowed hard as I considered the fact that he’d never really know if I chose not to complete this lesson, but my body was too worked up to even consider skipping it.

  So after pressing the button on the end and realizing that it was indeed quiet, I slid it between my legs and let my eyes drift shut as I imagined Owen kneeling between my legs and looking up at me with hooded blue eyes and a cocky smirk.

  I finished in record time. Whether it was due to the toy or the mental image—I had no idea.

  The following week felt like it dragged on forever. With the exception of a few text messages checking in to ask if I was keeping my promise and thinking of him every night, I had yet to hear anything from Owen.

  By the time my shift on Thursday ended, I was desperate to at least hear his voice. I spent the entire car ride home psyching myself up to call him when Mom pulled into the driveway and my breath hitched at the sight of the black truck.

  My growing excitement died when I was getting out of the car and noticed Owen and my father coming out of the house. He was obviously on his way out and it saddened me to think he wasn’t staying for dinner.

  But at the same time, I was kind of grateful. How awkward it would have been to sit across from him while trying not to think of all the things I had imagined him doing to me over the past week.

  “There she is!” Dad shouted across the lawn as he gestured me for to join them. I hesitantly approached, making sure not to look Owen in the eye as I did so. “How was work?”

  “It was good. Margret gave me tomorrow off.”

  “That’s nice. Owen here just dropped by to catch up for a little while. I tried to convince him to stay for dinner, but it seems he already has plans,” Dad said slyly as he nudged the other man’s arm. “Back in town for less than two weeks and you’re already pulling them in. You dog.”

  My throat closed and my stomach dropped hard, but all my energy was focused on not letting the devastation show on my face. The sound of a throat clearing captured my attention, but I couldn’t bring myself to look at either of them.

  “I got the house partially furnished this week,” Owen told me, completely ignoring everything my father had said. “Do you want to come by for lunch tomorrow and see it? Give me a woman’s insight on what I’m missing?”

  “S-Sure,” I muttered. My gut was screaming at me to decline the invitation, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. “What time?”

  “I’ll pick you up at ten.”

  I finally dared to glance up to his eyes and I saw a brief flash of concern before it disappeared. I nodded my consent and mumbled an excuse to go inside, not bothering to look back.

  Even in my bedroom, the sound of the truck roaring to life and pulling down the road was audible. I numbly started gathering clothes for a shower when my phone rang.

  Though I didn’t really want to answer it, Owen’s name flashing on my screen was something I had been longing to see for days. So with a heavy sigh, I swiped to accept the call.


  “For the record—I don’t have a date tonight. I let your father believe that when the truth is I couldn’t stand the idea of sitting at the dinner table and not being able to touch you.”

  With those two sentences, the heavy weight that seemed to drag my heart into my stomach evaporated like it never even existed.

  “Thank you for telling me.”

  “The only woman I’m interested in is you, Charlie. I don’t want you thinking otherwise.”

  “I won’t.”

  There was a brief moment where the only sound was the soft humming of the truck’s engine and I found it oddly comforting. When he finally spoke again, Owen’s voice was more timid than I’d ever heard it.

  “So we’re still on for tomorrow?”

  “I’ll be ready at ten.”

  “See you then, beautiful. Have a good night.”

  I wished him a good night in return, though I could feel my cheeks redden at the insinuation in his voice. I already knew I’d be having a very good night.

  With a sudden burst of excitement, I realized that the following day would be even better.


  The next day, I was dressed and waiting on the porch when Owen pulled up. He didn’t pull into the driveway when he saw me waiting and I grinned as I rushed to hop in the passenger seat of his truck.

  When I was buckling my seatbelt, I turned and saw the curtain of the front window moving. I swallowed hard as the silhouette of my mom stepped into view. Before I could consider what she might have been thinking, Owen was driving away from the curb.

  We spoke very little until we got into his house and I looked around at the new additions to the living room—the most prominent being a television and some art decorating the walls—and smiled.

  “It doesn’t look like you really need a woman’s touch here. I think you nailed it.”

  “Perhaps I was exaggerating a bit,” Owen agreed with a chuckle. “Or maybe I was just using that as an excuse.”

  I gathered all the scraps of courage I could and asked, “So why am I really here? It’s too early for lunch.”

  He held up a finger and reached out for me with the other hand. When he noticed my hesitation, he rolled his eyes and stepped over to grab my hand.

  “Come with me,” he said as he dragged me behind him down the hallway. “We have a lesson to finish.”

  Though I was suddenly racked with nerves, the feeling dissipated when he breezed past the stairs that led to his bedroom. I frowned as I followed him to the back of the house and he slid open the glass door.

  “Owen, where are we—oh,” I said dumbly as I noticed the new addition to the porch. “You got a hot tub.”

  “That I did. Living the cliché and all that,” he said with a chuckle. “No, I had one at the house in Cortland and I loved it. They finished hooking it up yesterday.”

  He was staring at me expectantly and I stumbled over my words as I said, “I-I didn’t bring a bathing suit.”

  “I know.” He let go of my hand and walked over to the towel rack, plucking a bag off the end and handing it to me. “I bought you one. Go inside and change. I’ll meet you back he

  I followed him back inside and stopped at the bathroom, going inside and locking the door before I started digging through the bag. I lifted the bathing suit and my eyes went wide.

  “I can’t wear this,” I whispered to myself as I stared at the tiny scraps of fabric.

  I stupidly looked back in the bag—praying to find a cover-up or another piece that I might have missed—but there was nothing. I dropped the suit and turned around, throwing open the door and jumping when I found Owen standing right on the other side.

  “Owen, I can’t—”

  His finger pressed to my lips and cut me off while he shook his head.

  “I know you’re nervous. But like I told you before, this lesson is all about you and your body. That includes getting over some of your shyness, princess. So put it on and get in the tub.”

  I slowly nodded, watching with wide eyes as he pulled the door by. I looked at the swimsuit again like I could magically will it to have more fabric with my mind, but it remained exactly as it was.

  I’d worn bikinis before, but this one was nothing more than three triangles of fabric and strings holding the pieces together. I gulped as I undressed and slid the bottoms on, trying my best to ignore the feeling of the thong as I tied up the sides. The top was a little trickier for me to get on, but I eventually managed. As I was tying the strings behind my neck, I turned to look in the mirror and immediately blushed at the sight.

  The top barely covered my breasts and the fabric wasn’t reinforced to hide my nipples. The bottom didn’t cover much either and I turned around enough to see that it covered literally none of my ass.

  Did women really wear bathing suits like this in public?

  It only took me a moment of looking at myself to figure out that he likely bought it at the same place he purchased the vibrator. This wasn’t a real swimsuit at all.

  I was mortified at the idea of walking around like this in front of anyone, so I grabbed a white towel from the rack and wrapped it around my body. As I crept from the bathroom and back to the porch, I felt a surge of gratitude that at least his neighbors wouldn’t be able to see me. I wondered if he had the porch closed in like it was for that very reason.

  When I got outside and found Owen already lounging in the hot tub, I let out a shuddering breath and forced a smile. He beckoned me to him and I lingered at the edge, afraid to let go of the only thing preserving my modesty.

  Owen seemed to sense my discomfort and allowed me a few moments of peace before he made another gesture for me to join him. I loosened the towel—but just as I was about to let it fall—I abruptly shook my head.

  “I look ridiculous, Owen,” I explained, trying to ignore the pang in my chest when I saw his obvious disappointment. “I-I’m not equipped enough to be wearing this.”

  As soon as I said it, the unfortunate mental image of Amber popped into my head. I could just picture her in this very same suit, strolling confidently at Owen and seducing him with nothing more than a look. Despite what Owen was trying to do, I didn’t believe I’d ever have that kind of confidence in myself.


  His stern voice demanded attention so I pulled myself out of my depressing thoughts and looked back at him. He rose from the water and I felt my mouth go dry as my eyes strayed down to his body on their own accord.

  He smirked at my appraisal of his chest and abs as he stepped out and slowly approached. I swallowed hard and took an instinctive step back. My heartbeat increased when his lips stretched into a grin at the realization that I was trapped against the sliding glass door.

  “Come here, baby,” he said, his soft voice a contrast to the hard lines of tension in his body.

  I let him lead me to the hot tub with a hand on the small of my back, but when he gripped the towel, I started to panic.

  “Did you do what I asked?” he asked out of the blue, disrupting my protest before I could voice it. “Did you touch yourself every night?”

  “Yes,” I admitted, moaning when he stepped behind me and leaned down to kiss my neck while his hands came up to cover my own.

  “Did you imagine me licking your pussy? Because I certainly did. I spent every night with my dick in my hand picturing how you’d look squirming around beneath me, begging for my cock.”

  “Oh God, Owen. I—”

  Whatever words were going to fly out of my mouth were cut off when he unraveled my hands from the towel and let it fall to the floor. I gasped in surprise when he abruptly stepped back and I could practically feel his eyes traveling over my entire body.

  The sound of his groan sent sparks of heat to my core and I moaned when a large palm caressed my bare ass. The other slid up my spine and pushed me gently until I was bent over the edge of the hot tub.

  I couldn’t recall ever being in such a dangerous position, but I trusted Owen. Still, that didn’t stop my body from trembling as he ran his hands over every inch of skin he saw.

  After another minute of his caresses, his hands settled on my hips and he lowly said, “You’re so sexy.”

  I wanted to thank him, but I couldn’t get my mouth to move. He straightened me up and murmured for me to get in the tub, which I did without a second thought. I settled on the bench seat just as he was stepping in and for a brief moment—I was face-to-face with the hard evidence of just how sexy he found me.

  Very hard evidence.

  “Can I... touch you?” I asked nervously, my hand already reaching for him in the water like it had a mind of its own.

  He caught my wrist in his hand and shook his head. “Not this time, princess. This time is about you, remember? So come here.”

  He gently tugged my wrist until I shifted closer to him and when I was within reach, he pulled me into his lap. I moaned at the feeling of his cock beneath me, but he seemed content to ignore it as his hands wandered around to my front.

  “You are perfectly equipped to wear this, Charlie.” His thumbs were just barely grazing the undersides of my breasts and I held my breath as he murmured, “These tits of yours drive me crazy.”

  Suddenly, his hands were cupping me firmly over the suit, squeezing them in his large palms while his hips shifted minutely beneath me. I could feel a throb against my ass and I tossed my head back, silently praying for him to grant me mercy.

  “Do you like this? Do you like having my hands all over your body?”

  “Oh yes,” I readily agreed with a sharp nod.

  “Does it feel better than you imagined?”

  His fingers pinched my nipples and I cried out, nodding when words failed me yet again.

  “Turn around,” he ordered, his hands going to my hips to assist me.

  I was certain my cheeks were red when we were finally facing one another, but not from embarrassment. Owen gripped the back of my neck and pulled me in for a kiss while his other hand drifted up my spine and slid beneath the thin strings of the bikini top.

  I was so lost in the kiss that I didn’t feel it when the first ones gave, but I did notice when the fingers on my neck plucked those strings apart with expert precision. The fabric was pulled away completely and flung out of the tub before I could protest, landing with a wet thud on the deck as he broke the kiss.

  “Don’t,” he warned when I moved to cover myself. “Let me see.”

  His eyes were fixated on my breasts for a long while before they drifted down to take in everything else that was visible above the water. When our gazes collided again, I recognized the look he was giving me as one waiting for consent. I wasn’t entirely sure what he wanted, but I felt myself nodding automatically.

  Owen lifted me until my knees were braced on the bench beside him and raised me high enough to bring his mouth to my breast. He covered my chest in kisses before his eyes looked up to mine as his tongue darted out to run over my tight nipple.

  When I gasped at the sensation, his wrapped his lips around it and sucked lightly, his eyes never leaving my face as he gauged my reactions. He alternated between lickin
g, sucking, and biting both nipples until I was wantonly trying to grind myself down against him.

  He pulled away and growled, “Turn back around.”

  There was little patience left in his voice and he didn’t toy with me when I was finally faced how he wanted me. He stood up and pulled until I was doing the same, then he pushed me over until my hands were gripping the edge of the tub.

  “Owen? What are you doing?” I asked as I heard the water sloshing around behind me.

  He didn’t reply—he only yanked at the strings on my hips and tossed the bottom out just like he had with the top. My arms shook when he gripped my hips and pulled me back and I yelped when I felt his stubble-ridden cheek rubbing against my ass.

  “Look at this pretty pussy,” he murmured as he spread me apart from behind, his warm breath gusting over my folds. “I need a taste, princess. May I?”

  Even though I was inexperienced, the way he was nudging closer to my entrance with his nose was enough of an indication of what he meant by taste. I had never imagined my first time experiencing it would be standing in a hot tub of all places, but I couldn’t deny how much I wanted it.

  “Please,” I choked out.

  Owen growled as he pressed his face against my pussy, the noise drowned out by my wail of pleasure when his tongue immediately flattened against my entrance.

  All thoughts of shyness or embarrassment flew from my mind when he sought out my clitoris and put my imagination to shame with the expert movements of his tongue. I pushed back against him, crying out from the pleasure even as his hands tightened on my hips hard enough to bruise.

  “Stay still, baby,” he breathed out after pulling away. “Or I’ll have to restrain you.”

  There was a dark promise in his voice—one that something inside of me was desperate to have fulfilled. But I clenched my hands harder on the edge as he went back to his blissful torture. After a few moments of proving that I could remain fairly still, his grip loosened and one hand left my hip entirely.

  I rested my forehead between my hands on the edge of the tub, unable to think enough to even attempt to stifle the sounds he was wrenching from me. I could feel him groaning against me every now and then and it turned me on even more to know he was getting such pleasure out of the act. God knows I was.