Wants & Needs (Love at First Sight Book 4) Page 6
As the telltale heat started to build and I could feel my orgasm just on the horizon, I couldn’t help the way my body trembled. Nor could I stop the words of desperation from flying out of my mouth.
“Oh God, Owen. Please, please, please! I need to—Ohhh, I’m so close.”
Owen groaned and craned his neck even further so he could suck on my clit. His tongue continued to flick over the sensitive bundle of nerves and I vaguely heard the sound of a high-pitched squeal, shocked when I recognized that it was my own voice.
Not that I cared when I was experiencing the most intense orgasm of my life. I didn’t have a ton to measure up to, but the few I’d given myself with the toy Owen bought for me didn’t even come close.
Just as the waves of bliss were beginning to fade into aftershocks, I both felt and heard Owen standing up behind me. I pushed myself up on shaky arms and turned back to see what was happening, a moan slipping past my lips when my eyes landed on the real reason why he was so vocal during the past few minutes.
His hand moved over his shaft with rapid strokes while the other held my hip in place and with an almost pained grunt—he unloaded himself onto my ass and lower back. My legs wobbled as I watched his huge cock spurting on me.
I tried and failed to imagine what it’d feel like to take it inside of me. I had no doubt that he would fit—but wouldn’t it hurt? He was huge. Much bigger than the little toy he had given me.
I looked up to his face when his hand stopped moving and felt myself smiling at the sight of his slackened jaw and closed eyes. He looked completely at peace—at least until his eyes opened and locked on mine.
“I’m sorry, princess,” he said as he looked down in horror at the mess on my back. “Shit. I didn’t—this wasn’t my intention.”
“It’s okay,” I said softly as he helped me into a standing position. “I... I liked it.”
He turned me around just enough to press a soft kiss to my lips before pulling away and scanning over my face for any sign of discomfort. I smiled up at him, thankful when he smiled back a moment later.
“Let’s get you cleaned up, hmm?”
“Can we take a nap after?” I asked with a yawn as he helped me out of the tub and reached for my discarded towel.
“I was thinking lunch,” he replied with a chuckle. After wiping down my back, he stepped away and scanned my body from head to toe. “Do you still feel shy around me, princess?”
There was a smidgen of nerves still lingering in my body, but I realized they were mostly due to the sheer size of his cock and thinking about it going inside me. But I was surprised to realize that his eyes moving over my body with desire no longer made me feel self-conscious.
“Mission accomplished.”
As we made our way into the kitchen, I asked, “So what’s the next lesson?”
Owen grinned. “You’ll find out soon enough.”
Though I was desperate to know right then, the promise in his voice was more than enough for me. So I accepted his offer to hop in the shower while he made lunch, smiling to myself as I considered what kind of lesson awaited me when I was finished.
It was a major disappointment when I got out of the shower and found lunch waiting for me. Not because it wasn’t delicious—Owen was a fantastic cook—but because it soon became clear that there wouldn’t be any more lessons that day.
Much like our first lesson, he mentioned that he’d be taking me home after lunch. Well, after my hair dried, to be more precise.
He didn’t say it, but I could tell something had changed when I was in the shower. He was stiff during the meal like nothing had changed between us. It was just like old times. Owen hanging out with his best friend’s daughter.
I hated it.
I hated it even more when he dropped me off at home and promised to call soon, but seemed unsure of himself as he said the words.
I hadn’t been lying when I said I felt less shy around him. It was that thought that gave me the courage to call him Saturday morning.
No answer. I sulked around the house for a few hours and tried again later, but he still didn’t answer.
I knew he was home. I knew it and the fact that he was dodging my calls made me irrationally angry. I made one last call on my cell while I shoved some clothes into my messenger bag.
“Layla?” I asked, frowning at the loud noise in the background. “Where are you?”
“The mall. What’s up, girl?”
“I need a really big favor.”
Two hours later, everything was set. Layla made me give her the full story before she agreed to act as my cover. As far as my parents were concerned, I was sleeping over at Layla’s house.
In reality, we were sitting outside Owen’s house while I gathered up my waning courage. The anger that had propelled me to arrange this ruse had faded somewhere between lying to my parents and waiting for Layla to arrive at the house.
After five minutes of waiting, Layla’s patience wore thin and she dryly said, “Char—get the hell out of my car and go lose your V-card.”
My eyes went wide, but I couldn’t deny the reason we were here. I wanted to spend the night with Owen and it certainly wasn’t to paint each other’s nails.
“What if he doesn’t want to see me?”
Layla snorted. “Like he didn’t want to see you in the hot tub? Puh-lease. You know he’s probably just beating himself up for ‘taking advantage’ of you. You need to go in there and tell that man how you feel about him so he knows he didn’t.”
It was exactly what I needed to hear. I narrowed my eyes and shook my head as I said, “You’re being surprisingly helpful right now. I expected something more... vulgar.”
Layla shrugged, but there was something off about her entire demeanor. I had been so wrapped up in my own problems that I didn’t notice it before, but she seemed... different. Less Layla-like.
“I just know where you’re coming from,” she vaguely explained. “And I also understand where he’s coming from.”
“Wait. Did I miss something? What’s going on?”
She sighed and I knew she wasn’t telling me something important.
“I’ve got some stuff going on right now, too,” she finally admitted, cutting me off when I tried to push for details. “I promise I’ll fill you in later. You know what you need to do now.”
I gave her one last pondering look until she nodded and shooed me away.
“I’ll wait here until you go inside,” she said right as I swung a foot out of the car. “Good luck!”
I thanked her for the ride and the luck before slamming the door shut behind me and walking up the sidewalk. I hoisted my bag on my shoulder and rang the doorbell, trying to ignore the overwhelming urge to fidget while I waited. After what felt like an eternity, the door swung open to reveal an incredibly surprised Owen.
“I’m staying with Layla tonight,” I blurted before he could utter another word.
His eyes narrowed and he glanced at the car idling on the street before moving back to me.
“Then what are you doing here?”
“I’m staying with Layla tonight,” I repeated, slower this time. I jostled the bag on my shoulder and watched as realization dawned in his eyes.
“She knows?”
“Yes,” I admitted quietly. “I’m sorry. I just needed to talk to someone.”
He looked between me and the car a few times before he slowly nodded and stepped back to let me in. I turned around and waved to Layla who beeped the horn once before she pulled away.
“How do you plan to get home tomorrow?” he asked after closing the door.
“She’ll pick me up whenever I text her. We’ve had a system set up for years.” One of his eyebrows raised and I shook my head rapidly. “Not that I’ve ever used it!”
Owen laughed, but the sound trailed off until he was smiling sadly at me.
“Why are y
ou here, Charlie?”
“You were dodging my calls,” I said, feeling dumber by the second. “I just… I wanted to make sure I didn’t do something wrong.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong, princess,” he assured me before he bent down to give me a brief kiss. “You hungry? We can order in and watch a movie.”
“Will I get another lesson after?”
“Since you’re staying all night, I suppose you will.”
He started tugging me toward the living room, but I stood firm. He frowned and cocked his head to the side, giving me a confused look.
“I want to choose the lesson.”
He wasn’t confused anymore—he was downright shocked.
“That’s not how it works, princess.”
“Then at least tell me what it’ll be. I’m not—I don’t want to stick around all night only to have you push me away because you think you’re taking advantage of me or something. I want to be here, Owen. I want to be with you—in that way and every other way.”
I had no idea where the bravery to lay it all out there came from and judging by the look on Owen’s face—he was just as surprised as I was. Eventually, his shock faded and his throat bobbed as he swallowed hard.
“My body,” he hoarsely said, clearing his throat before continuing. “A man’s body. That’s the next lesson.”
The mere thought of being allowed to run my hands all over his body sent a shiver racing up my spine. Owen was watching me like a hawk and noticed my reaction with a smirk.
“You like the sound of that?” I nodded and he smiled. “Good. Now let’s figure out what you want for dinner.”
As the afternoon light faded into the darkness of night, Owen and I parted for a bathroom break before starting another movie.
He’d chosen the one we watched during dinner and offered to let me choose the second one. I had tried to argue against it—doing everything I could to subtly hint that I was ready for the next lesson—but he was persistent. So I uninterestedly chose another film and pouted through the opening.
Which was when he lifted me into his lap and proceeded to cuddle with me. It was nice to be in his arms and I was thankful that it at least felt more like a date than it had during dinner. But I was still wishing the movie would end sooner rather than later.
In an effort to make the time go faster, I tried to let myself get swept up in the plot. It started to work about half-way in, but Owen’s restless movements distracted me.
“Are you uncomfortable?” I finally asked after he nearly jostled me off the side of the couch.
“I can sit in the recliner,” I offered, frowning when his arm tightened around me.
“That won’t be necessary.”
His hand abruptly snatched mine and pulled it behind me, causing a startled gasp to fall from my lips. Before I could voice the question on my tongue, I felt something warm and smooth against my palm.
Oh my God.
“I was very uncomfortable, princess,” he breathed into my ear as he covered my hand with his own and curled our fingers around his cock. “Sorry for moving around so much. It was stuck in a bad position in these damn jeans.”
His explanation might as well have gone in one ear and out the other. I was too focused on the size of the rock hard flesh in my palm to think of anything else.
“It’s so big,” I whispered.
“Ready for your lesson?”
I experimentally squeezed his cock, smiling when he groaned into my ear.
“Yes, please.”
With a growl, he pulled my hand off and commanded, “Get on your knees.”
I rolled off the couch and got into position, watching as he sat up and jerked his shirt over his head. He gestured for me to back up and he stood to shrug off his pants and boxers before sitting back down.
I was frozen in a trance as I took in his naked body, though I did gulp at the sight of his cock bobbing in the air.
“Touch me.”
“Anywhere you want,” he said as he spread his arms across the back of the couch. “I’m all yours.”
Those were words I’d fantasized about often—but never in my wildest dreams did I expect to hear them directed at me. I was always the one saying them to him.
Emboldened by the surprising words, I rested my palms on his thighs and drifted up, marveling at the way his corded muscles felt beneath my fingers. He was ridiculously strong—likely from working in construction for so long—and it was a huge contrast to my own softness.
Owen seemed content to let me explore, so I did. With a mixture of excitement and greed—I touched every place on his body I could reach with my curious fingertips.
Every place except the throbbing flesh that was getting darker in color the more I touched him elsewhere. When I leaned in to press my lips to his chest right above his heart, Owen covered his dick and held it trapped against his body.
At my questioning look, he explained, “Don’t want to fuck up your shirt.”
I didn’t understand what he meant until I backed away and he removed his hand, allowing his cock to spring back. My eyes went wide when I noticed the head was covered in pre-come.
“Oh. I… I’m sorry.”
He shook his head like it wasn’t a problem, but his jaw was tight with tension. I was amazed by his self-control, though I wondered if he would have indulged me for so long if it hadn’t been for my innocence. I hoped that what was happening between us continued long enough for me to one day find out.
“Owen?” I quietly asked, waiting until his eyes opened to slits and focused on me. “I… I really want this to be good for you. Will you tell me what to do?”
“Believe me princess—you practically worshipping my body is more than good for me,” he praised with a chuckle as he pet my hair with one hand. His voice came out liquid smooth as he added, “Though I’d really like some of that appreciation on the one spot you’ve been avoiding.”
My eyes drifted to where his cock stood, throbbing under the weight of my gaze. I reached a shaky hand up and rested my fingers on the hot flesh, taking a final look up to his face for confirmation.
He gave me a jerky nod, his chest rising and falling heavily as he panted, “Anything. Do anything you want.”
His hand pulled away from my hair and stretched back across the couch and I watched as his fingers gripped the fabric tight. Owen’s reactions to my ministrations gave me confidence and I paired it with all the bits of information I’d read over the years about pleasing a man.
God bless the slow hours at Clark’s that I spent reading Cosmo.
I tucked my hair behind my ears and licked a long stripe up the underside of his cock. He inhaled sharply and I could see his abdomen clench up with tension before I looked up to watch his face do the same.
In that moment, I was certain that I could live off the sight of his bliss. It made me all the more desperate to please him.
So I lavished his cock with the same attention that I bestowed on the rest of his body while utilizing every trick I could recall from reading those magazines—save for the ones that mentioned teeth. That never sounded particularly sensual to me.
Owen managed to keep his hold on the back of the couch—though his hips had begun thrusting upward when I finally wrapped my lips around the head and experimentally took him into my mouth. I was a little too gun-shy to take him very deep and his erratic movements made me nervous, so I held myself back.
Once he realized what I was doing, he panted, “Your hand. Use your hand.”
I curled my fingers around him and used my spit to slide it up and down his shaft—trying to mimic the movements I briefly saw him performing to himself the day before. He groaned in approval and pumped himself up into my palm. A surge of feminine power made me bold and I leaned in to carefully tongue the head while I continued to work him with my fist.
“Oh fuck, yes,” he growled as his head tipped back.
He lost control of his hands—one resting on the back of my head and the other batting my hand away from his shaft so that he could grip it himself.
“Suck the head,” he breathlessly commanded as he stroked himself. “Let me come in your mouth, princess.”
I couldn’t deny him—nor did I want to—so I did as he instructed. It was an interesting sensation to feel the heated flesh beginning to pulse against my tongue and when I added suction like he asked—the gut-wrenching groan that erupted from Owen made my whole body shudder with desire even while I tried to concentrate on swallowing the salty fluid.
There was a lot of it—more than I realized was possible. He had taken the lead on cleaning me up before I had a chance to see just how covered I was after the hot tub incident, so I had no way of anticipating how much I’d have to swallow down.
To my mortification—I spluttered somewhere after the second spurt. I whimpered in embarrassment as my eyes began to water and I felt the warm seed dripping down my chin, but Owen was thankfully too lost in the pleasure of his climax to notice.
At least until the waves finally died down and his hand loosened its hold on my hair. I pulled off and sucked in a shaky breath while furiously wiping the away the remnants of my involuntary tears. Owen sat up and gripped my chin before I could get rid of the evidence of my disappointing performance.
“I’m sorry,” I breathed out as he wiped the come from my chin with his thumb. “I-I didn’t mean to—”
“Shhh,” Owen hushed me. His thumb tapped on my lips and I instinctively sucked it, feeling better when he groaned, “That was perfect. Thank you.”
I smiled, though a small part of me didn’t believe him. But Owen knew me better than I realized because I could see in his eyes that he recognized what I was thinking.
“Stand up, sweetheart,” he said gently as he stood himself and offered me a hand. “Let’s move this somewhere more comfortable and I’ll show you just how grateful I am.”